Saturday 4 July 2015

Google Chrome user? Working for Google!

'Google Chrome has recently taken over as the most popular internet browser with over 750 million active users.' - Kissmetrics Source: visit here.
Google Chrome web browser work for google
Google Chrome
Source: wiki
The statistics is true! And one must know how serious it is to know Google Chrome has taken over other web browsers in the past decade! Well, one may advocate that Chrome is product of open source web browser project Chromium. Though, the origin seems to be legitimate open source project, Google has its work mend with the Chrome! Chrome comes with lot of strings attached. Most strings entice users to keep using it! First and foremost is the Support! Google provide support for Chrome while Chromium it is upto the community! Not only the support! Google Chrome store is one of the highlights! You get lot of plugins, games and utility. To say, it would act as one stop place to get your work done with your chrome. Those strings contain few messes that most users ignore or ignorant of.
But still I have to admit that I myself is one among those who fan Google Chrome! Yeah! It is well designed and satisfy user experience with lot of utility and plugins which I can't reject for no good reasons. Still Chrome features outweigh the intention of Google! I am not trying to villanify chrome project. A few good things comes with a cost! So the Chrome. It is free then you pay them with kind of something most people not aware of! It is time to shed some light what chrome user actually do to Google SERP!
Stop it! Did you hear me saying Google Chrome users help determine SERP? If yes, do not read back! You heard it right! If you are a Google Chrome user then you are indirectly work for Google! To make it simple, haven't you heard that Google tracks users data on Chrome browsers? If yes, fine. If no, yeah, Google tracks users browsing data. Simply, If you use Google Chrome then you provide Google with tons of data each year about the sites your browse, bookmark, shares and so on! Not to freak out! Google never collects personal data. Just relax! It is all about SEO or Search Engine optimization. They simple use the information collected to improve SERP.

What the hell is SERP?

So far I would have used SERP! If your new to these kind of stuff, then I am glad to introduce you to these terms. SERP is simply called Search Engine Result Page.

'A search engine results page is the listing of results returned by a search engine in response to a keyword query. The results normally include a list of items with titles, a reference to the full version, and a short description showing where the keywords have matched content within the page. A SERP may refer to a single page of links returned, or to the set of all links returned for a search query.' - DuckDuckgo Goodie

Alright! the definition is good enough to explain anyone who are new to these terms! Now business!

How using Google Chrome helps Google?

As you all, title is about how Google Chrome users work for Google! Yeah! The data we provide Google while we browse in Chrome is work we do for Google. Though it may not be compared to actual work we do to Google. Yet, it is valuable enough that it improves the SERP of the popular Search Engine in internet history!

Bookmarks: If you are person who bookmark web pages which ever you find useful or thinking of reading them later. You made Google note of the importance of the web page you visited. If a single page gets bookmarked by lot of users in Chrome, Google indirectly understands the importance of the web page the user visited. God damn it! I forgot to bookmark my own blog! Well, many of them must bookmark it! One or two not going make it a day.
Ad revenue: I guess, it must be the top priority for any company who provides top notch service. All we know is good provide service free to the users but charge advertisers for the ads. I am not going deep into the working of Adsense now! To keep it simple, lets stop with Google make revenue from ads. Alright, your browser history, pattern, cookie help Google Ads pop up appropriate Ads. So it augments revenue! If they find you were browsing for a designer apparel then Google Ads going to throw you with ads from apparel websites! So the ads get relevant with your desire. So the click through rate of the ad is high. Thus increase the revenue.

Chrome Store exclusively for Google Chrome web browser
Chrome Store

Google Service: None could undermine, Google product services! Google knows if anything goes wrong with its product if the users use it from Chrome web browser! Not a surprise though! I tried loading Google services on less popular web browsers and found out that even the login form loads crazy! Finally, it made me realize that Chrome is something special than other web browsers when it comes to dealing with Google.

Well, the list here is short! We do like it or not, Google Chrome is a win-win for users and Google. Google improves Chrome and we provide input to improve chrome. It has evolved as chain action. Last but not the least! I personally prefer Chrome!

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Google+ Social Media platform help SEO

Google+ social media platform help SEO
Google+ Social Media

Google+, social media platform, where most of the socialmediaprenuers neglect when talking about social media issues! Well, actually, I do not mean to generalize and state all socialmediaprenuers neglect Google+. The complain is they do not get the reach as do they do in other social media such as Twitter, Facebook. Twitter and Facebook had an edge over Google+. Both them are old and were leading at the time of Google+ was in infant stage. Might be, bad luck at the time of launch! Most of the Google+ get attention due to the Google account and its integration with all other services! For now myth apart! What makes Google+ important?

  • Dofollow links: Well, if your content go viral in social media platform, will it guarantee your search engine presence? What if your social media campaign hits top in SERP? Would you say no? Any body who works on social media would answer it in negative! So to make it simple, yes, Google+ links are dofollow links. If some one don't know what are dofollow links, these are the link search engine bots will follow and crawl from the page where the link is in existence. So Google+ gives your post or blog to the Google search engine! Though, it will not improve your SERP ranking to significant level, it would make your website crawled by search engine. Well, if you are targeting Google SERP, then it is a wise choice to utilize Google+.
  • Share and +1: If someone does know share and +1, then they are not really good at Google+. I assume you are well aware of Google+. So each time your content gets shared and +1, your probability of getting higher up on SERP is high! These are not myth but it was proven methods employed by social media marketers! Even Twitter and Facebook has such ability, but Google+ is make significant difference to your SERP.
Action plan: If it is your business or blog, whatever it might be, it is good to have presence is all possible social media! Even if not in all, it is good to maintain interaction between your followers and your business through popular social media platforms. So make sure Google+ is one of them! Even if you don't get adequate followers, it is good have your presence in Google+. Even if you have one or two followers, their is high chance of such followers sharing about you with Google+ circles. Thus increasing your reach and popularity!

Myth: Most popular myth that evolve around Google+ is it is dead or expected to be dead! Some social media experts would cite the case of orkut and compare Google+ with them! Even orkut was owned by Google, it has to meet its death on Sept 30, 2014. So they anticipate such fate for Google+. Even it may be true! Who cares! It is good to maintain your presence until the network is live and active! So lame reason for neglecting a social media shall be the story of past. Start engaging with your followers via Google+

Sunday 28 June 2015 Tutorial: Social Media presence augmentation

I will assume that those who are reading this blog post are the people who is using Twitter as the Social Media Platform. Though, there exist many other platform such as Facebook, Google+, Pinterest and so on. This blog will cover augmenting Twitter presence with Buffer. Twitter is great social media platform as you will find far most reach than any other social media platforms. You do not need a campaign to gain reach in twitter. All you need is a little bit of intelligence to gain the reach to the target audience! So lets play with Twitter now.

So now coming to the tool managing your Twitter account. It is time to work with Buffer. Buffer app helps schedule tweets to your Twitter account. If you haven't tried Buffer till day, now it is time to try it. Though it may appear as simple tweet scheduling utility, it will come with inbuilt analytic for the tweets posted via buffer app. So you get insight into the potential of your tweets, reach and engagements from fellow Twitter users. Twitter analytic
Take a close look at the image posted above! Do you wonder what made big difference to those tweets? This is what the objective of today's blog! What made that great difference to the tweets? Most of us would under estimate the analytic data! A short version of the analytic would prove that posting at right time will get lot of visitors to the tweets. Still, a little chuck of socialmediapreneurs would argue that hashtag has made the great difference! Well, if it so then here is the evidence to prove it otherwise. 

Getting engagement on social media platform, especially, when it comes to Twitter, it depends on variety of factors as mentioned below:
  1. Posting Time: At which time of the day, you schedule your tweet is far more important! So if you are planning to schedule your tweet in Buffer then it is good to brainstorm the timing of your tweet. When most users would be online? Your reach depends on number of users online. The impression of your tweet with online users would augment your presence. While you can not use it as thumb rule! Each niche has its own peak time. To find out when you will get more reach depends upon your experimentation with Twitter. So If you are tweeting your niche then it is good to schedule your first scheduled tweets by distributing it equally in the day. It is effective method if you try it for a week to know more about which day and time, you get more engagement.
  2. Followers: Well, it is factor which is beyond your control. Your engagement, at least for first few engagements, depends upon your followers. Twitter is like domino so it depend upon the one who first engage with it! Think about one of your followers who has some 400 followers in his account. What happens if he retweets your tweet, your tweets is visible to some 400 more users! What if the case if some with 75k follower retweets your tweet? That is your tweet potential. So know who might retweet or engage with your tweet once posted.

    Though it might look little naive to know followers, it is good to know your audience. As I stated earlier, this is factor which is beyond our control. Could be able to control who follow us? Damn! It is not Facebook! So you have got to manage with what you have got! But it is nothing to worry about. Twitter is all about engagement! You are not going to gain anything with just broadcasting your tweets. As far as possible make it engaging! Engaging tweets gets good amount of impression among online users.
  3. #Hashtags: Comes the most debated strategy among socialmediapreneurs! But the truth is using hashtags gets wide reach among online users. If your tweet is related to trending topic in the Twitter then you have wide reach than expected. The impression of your tweet is many fold as trending topics usually have considerable population of Twitter users interacting with the tweets posted, either they like it or not. So planning your #hashtag usage is very important factor.
Yet never use too much hashtag than expected. If you wish to have wide audience then it is good to plan your posting schedule accordingly. Using too many hashtag will make users assume that you are spammer! Yes! Most of the tweets in Twitter are spam, advertising products. Worse part is it includes false advertising. Even I have received DMs and mentioned tweets stating about job opening. But clicking the link will lead you directly to a dating site or provide a survey in which we have to sign up! So spams are too common. So make sure you do not gain the spammer tag in Social Media. So avoid using too many hashtags in your tweets. Better try using maximum 3 hashtags!
Twitter tweets using Hashtag
Twitter Tweet using Hashtag!

For instance, consider that you are going to tweet about a topic, say 'wordpress seo plugins', good we got the keywords. If my math is right, we got 3 keywords for utilization. To draw maximum attention, I would use it as

'Top #wordpress #seo #plugins for your blog'

That's it, actually it will sound like a true sentence! But most of the tweets which I encountered where poorly written. For instance, the same statement was written as

'Top plugins for your wordpress blog. #wordpress #seo #plugins'

In the above mentioned example, we lost word economy. Note this point, no one will read it deeply as they do it with story books! You must catch attention in the first look and make the user engage with the tweet. Tweet Scheduling Tweet Scheduling
That's it, the above mentioned factors work well for creating text of your tweet. Now it is time to use Buffer to schedule them to your need!
Now, Login into! If you did, then you are holding a basic account which let you schedule maximum 10 tweets in queue. So it is limited functionality! Never mind! We could get our initial reach through these 10 scheduled tweets. So at initial level you do not need an 'upgrade to awesome'. 
Now click on 'What do you want to share?' and compose your tweets and click on 'Add to the queue'. That's it you have scheduled your first tweet! First part is over!
Next, we need to analysis our posted tweets! Buffer app comes with inbuilt analytic system which will track tweets posted using Buffer. If you wish to experiment with your niche schedule 10 various tweets of same niche to the queue at different time intervals. So that you may get insight of the audience that you might reach next! If you get too much of positive response at particular time, then it is good to mark it along with the day and time in the week. We can assume we might get good reach to the target audience with minimal efforts on those day!
Important: There is no hard rule to rule social media. your initial reach depends on your experimentation! Don't relent until you complete the objective!

Saturday 6 June 2015

Must Try Twitter Management tool to Increase Social Media presence

Anyone who is serious about Social presence must try these tools

best Twitter tools
Twitter tool Everyone must try

The importance of social media which has direct influence on brands, sales, marketing has reached far from mere social networks that are used to connects friends to connecting end consumers with brands and products. A product or service neglecting its presence in social media will not find its day on internet. Have you seen any blog/product without social media share buttons? I guess answer would be no. Now such social media presence is just clicks away. One of the most powerful and convenient such network is Twitter. When you are working for a brand, managing the official Twitter handle would be tedious if are serious on targeting audience. Apart from promoted tweets, tools to manage followers, list, tweeting on updates are importance aspects which cannot be neglected by any social media marketer. So for those who are busy with Twitter handle must try the following 4 awesome tools to manage Twitter account.

TweetDeck Twitter management tool

#1. TweetDeck: TwitterDeck by Twitter. For those who wish Twitter in new form, TwitterDeck is place to start with. It is easy to use, simple interface. Instead of boring 'new tweets' notification, Twitter Deck uses live update news feed reels. The interface look like running a football commentary except here it is tweets from various people. The reel gets updated every second. But make sure you have adequate bandwidth for the month. 'Activity' column consumes most data as it provide far more update than your home page Twitter feeds. twitter analytic tool

#2. : I may face ire of fans for placing it in second position. Placing it second doesn't mean it lacks features or inferior to others. It is a powerful Twitter Analytic tool for anyone. The sole object of is to create engaging user experience. Provide analysis on whom to follow and unfollow, who retweeted, top followers and so on. But basic free version has its own limitations. 20 social engagements per week and tweet scheduling is available only in the pro version.  for all social media

#3. Buffer: paid version supports tweet scheduling. But buffer prime purpose is tweet scheduling. It comes with analytic tool. It provide insight on which tweet you received clicks and number of visitors who checked the tweet. As always, buffer free basic version has its own limitations. You can schedule 10 tweet if own a free account. It is up to you to manage those 10 scheduled tweeting. for Twitter

#4. Hootsuite: Hootsuite is effective twitter management tool. Actually Hootsuite is overall social media management tool if all the features are taken into account. You can manage all popular social media accounts from Hootsuite. If you haven't tried hootsuite, you must try it today. It is a must have tool for all social media marketers. I didn't find any restriction as I did in buffer. No limit on scheduled tweeting. Limited analytic capability for free basic account. For serious social media marketers, bulk tweet uploads are available in pro version.

Each tool has it's own merits and demerits. If you are able to use all the tools, then you can create your own business with these tools and take control of your social media experience.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Tutorial: Add Original Social Media Share button on Blogger

For any one who uses Blogger platform to create blog will be provided with stock old share button which would be hardly noticed by the readers. All of them are small icon which is most of them might ignore if someone do not read until end of the post.
Blogger default social share plugin
Default Blogger Share Button At the end of Each Post
But most of us wish to have social share button which would stick at a fixed position, so that it might appeal to the reader for a share. Unlike Wordpress, Blogger is short of plugin libraries. But this fact will not going to stop us from creating our own floating Social Share Button for Blogger.
Floating Social Share Button for blogger
Floating Social
Share button

To create your own social share button, you do not need a expertise knowledge as a professional web designer would do. All you have to know is simple Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V technique. It would not even take 20 minutes to setup your own floating social share buttons on your new blog. All you have to do is simply follow the steps mentioned below. 

Unlike other tutorials, I am not going to instruct on how to edit Blogger Template to add Social Media Share Button.

Steps to Add floating Social Media Share Button:

Step 1: Collect code from all social media website to which you wish keep share button. This is important but tedious job as you have to collect share button code from all your desired social networking websites. But Search Engines would help you find relevant code.

Bing Search for Twitter Share button

In this instance, I made a search for Twitter share button in Bing. The first result was the official Twitter page which help you create 'share' button for twitter. 

Twitter share button for blogger
Twitter Share Button Code
Now, copy and paste the code which is provided in the code box to a notepad or text editor which ever you wish to use.

Similarly, collect code for facebook, Tumblr, google+, etc.

Step 2: Now goto Enter your credentials and open up your blog to which you wish to add Social Media share buttons. It is simple as adding a widget when it comes to blogger.

Step 3: Now Select 'Layout' from the side bar. You will see the layout of your  blog.
Blogger Layout selection
Select Layout
Then select 'Add a Gadget' in your layout window. And now select 'HTML/Javascript' gadget from the menu. 

HTML javascript Widget
HTML/Javascript Gadget

Step 4: A window will open with two text boxes. One for title and another for pasting your HTML/Javascript code.
HTML/Javascript Gadget box
Now copy and paste all the code from your notepad or text editor in the 2nd text box as shown in the figure. Next is to make it floating in your blog.

float: left;
position: fixed;
left: 10px;
top: 200px;

This above mentioned piece of code is called CSS or Cascading Style Sheet. It is responsible for the design of you web blog. Now, it is made so that our share button floats on the left side of the screen.

Merely adding the above will not make your bar float. You have tell when the style code to get activated.
float: left;
position: fixed;
left: 10px;
top: 200px;
<div class='pos_left'>
<a href="" class="twitter-share-button">Tweet</a>

<script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs');</script>
<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script>(function(d, s, id) {
  var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
  if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
  js = d.createElement(s); = id;
  js.src = "//";
  fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);

}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>
<div class="fb-share-button" data-href="" data-layout="button_count"></div>

The above sample code contains share button for twitter and facebook. If you wish to add more button for shares, you can place your code between div tags.

For novice users, you can simple copy and paste the code in HTML/Javascript Gadget box in your blogger layout.

Note: All share code is from official Twitter and Facebook web page. No editing has been done to the code except for the CSS and div tag additions.

If you like the post, please share to all your social media. And this tutorial need some knowledge of HTML, CSS and javascript. So not everybody can understand in a single go. So patience is your best friend. Trail and error might get your problems fixed. If you find any problem please report it in comment section.