Monday, 29 December 2014

Failed States

To all people, who lived during the period of cold war, know the two great ideology for the life-time. One is lassiez-faire and another communism. While America created a new department to take down the propagation of communism in U.S.A, U.S.S.R aggressively propagated the ideology. The contention among the two great world powers is not the influence but the ideology that they believe in.

With U.S.S.R disintegration, propagators of capitalist rejoiced that the ideology in which they believed survived the odd times. The follow up  events showed that free markets are the only way to keep a sustainable society.  That was evident from the reforms carried out by many closed economy countries. But the communist state failed to note that closed economy is not the way achieve economic success. Neither authors or commentators of communist ideology favored closed economy to meet it ends while pursuing communism. 

The states which experimented with communism failed to take cue of the idea behind it. That was the real cause for the failure. Instead of working class owing the forces of production, state decided to own it on behalf of working class. The individual capitalism which was popular in the capitalist countries were transformed in to state capitalism. This is the root cause for the failure. The real communist idea was to make working class have control over the force of production. But in communist state, state took the place of the individual capitalist. So, the result was worse than expected. 

The result was that the states which pursued communism were seen as state which strike terror in the heart of citizens. An insecure sense in the society. The forfeiture of assets owned by individuals was the worst part. In no part of the communism, it was told to forfeit the rich. The anger against the capitalist class helped to built those communist state. That was one among the many mistakes causing downfall of these states. Communism is not about usurpation of capitalists.

The Communism is not a mere failed ideology. It still has potential of its own. Still workers can own force of production. The great example is cooperatives where workers or craftsmen who are in need of capital can pool their resources to create a great production force. The profit are shared among the members. It is not mandatory to establish them only in the communist state. Any society can develop cooperatives. When workers or group of individuals feel they can't meet their ends with the present way, they can peacefully form such organisation among themselves. This don't need any drastic change or weapons to change their lives or others. Only the will and good organisation skills were needed. This is the real communism and not changing into a state capitalism.

Even in strict capitalist states, communism is followed in disguise. One great pick would be partnerships. Where people of common interest work together to achieve their goals. Their might rise a question, how it benefit the working class! Communism is not only about working class, it about collective work whoever it may be. In strict capitalism individuality is the norm while collectivism is for communism.  The target of communism turned to be working class as these people had no control over the forces of production. Even in partnership, each individuals don't have means to have control over the forces of production. Hence, they decide to own collectively the production force. Either way, it appears same but for the names involved.  

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