Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Mistakes Happened in India

India, which is known for it unity in diversity have traveled long way in the History of this world. With unique multi-culture society, India is home to vast number of people. For a country which has faced numerous invasions and conquest, multiculturalism is not a surprise. This is end product achieved through blending various immigrants who were brought along with invaders. But we are proud of what we are now.

Since independence, India has made many changes to the society by legislation and populist politics. But yet it failed to deliver on one part. The effective socialization of the citizens it nurtures. The important social institutions which were the onus of the government were dysfunctional. Instead, it focused on economic experiments. The head-start was lost.

The Worst than the above, important social institutions were left to the dearness of private players and the government taking responsibility of private players in industries. What should have happened vice-verse. We can't deny that government has made steps to amend the mistakes. But it were too late. The basic social institutions such as educational institutions, health care services, were turned into money making business in the hands of private players. The way Indian citizens socialized made them think private social institutions were best when it comes to services. Especially, when it comes to quality the public maintained social institutions failed to make its way to the top.

The result of letting private social institutions an upper hand is people were made to pay a higher price. It made a hole in the pocket that most household income is spent on providing basic social needs of the family which were to be done by the government. Despite government efforts, public social institutions functioning are seen as dysfunctional. To mend it, a quality appraisal must be in place. The establishment of basic social institutions and infrastructure to support those institutions are the only way to revive the society.  Thus reduce the burden of on the individual who suffer hard to make it a day.

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