Sunday 11 January 2015

DoT unblocks 32 Websites

The government has ordered Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to unblock 32 websites that had been blocked last month for hosting "jihadi propaganda". The Department of Telecommunication(DoT) has blocked 34 websites originally. But it unblocked four of them on undertaking that they will compile with law (Info:).

Some of the websites blocked were used by software professionals. Pastebin, github are used in collaborative software projects. Blocking them has created a huge online rant against the move. Now, DoT has ordered to unblock all websites blocked previously. The reason cited for the block was those websites propagated ISIS propaganda and they don't need any authentication to post information & share them with the world. 

Recently techie who was arrested in Bangalore for operating ISIS twitter account has made DoT turn aggressive against select popular websites among software professionals. But blocking pastebin and github drew huge public ire. They are used by limited audience who possess technical knowledge as blocking them will serve no purpose. Wrongdoers will always find a way out. The move to unblock websites is welcomed especially among the technical community.

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