Friday, 2 January 2015

DoT Unblocks four websites

Recently, Department of Telecommunication(DoT) has blocked 32 websites which were used to propagate terror agenda. The move was highly criticized by the tech community in India. As prominent of them are pastebin, github which were widely used by Information Technology professionals.

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Planning Commission

TV news channels started flashing changes to the Planning Commission of India. Good to here that they are trying to get rid of these old extra-constitutional body. Yes! the Planning commission was neither part of constitution nor any legislation. And planning commission members were selected arbitrarily. Any one who is good friend of politicians were made members. But such a body wielded high influence on the every five year plans in India. Every plan placed before the National Development Council were scrutinized by the planning commission. The legacy left by the congress were followed by all the subsequent government.

Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Free Internet!

Hello buddies! Since 50's Internet has evolved at various level. From CERN project to global infrastructure, internet has turned our lives to new era. The developers of World Wide Web decided to keep the project free. They wish no one have control over the network worldwide. They created free and independent environment for sharing ideas, concepts, data, etc. Internet has transcended boundaries and reached billions of lives. Internet is like a nation without boundaries. But with present day internet is hogged with restrictions and filters placed by state agencies.

Mistakes Happened in India

India, which is known for it unity in diversity have traveled long way in the History of this world. With unique multi-culture society, India is home to vast number of people. For a country which has faced numerous invasions and conquest, multiculturalism is not a surprise. This is end product achieved through blending various immigrants who were brought along with invaders. But we are proud of what we are now.

Tuesday, 30 December 2014


"Human beings are socialized animals"

When a child is born in a society, it is yet to socialized by the social institutions. A Child with it instincts alone would grow up as an animal than as human. The process of socialization is to make the child follow the norms and promote the values which are in existent in the society. As the child grow up to an adult in the society, the level of socialization increases. The process of such socialization is done by three important social institutions:
    • Educational Institutions
    • Health Care Institutions
    • Family