Wednesday 14 January 2015

Democracy: Industrial Lobby

Hello there! There is huge uproar that BJP and corporate world has nexus between them. The recent exposure has gone to the threshold as the Delhi faces poll. It is usual for political parties to accuse others of corruption and inaction. But recent debate on nexus between the government and power companies created huge buzz on Social Networks. 

One thing every body forgot is lobbying was in existence even before the present government came to power. Not only India, but huge part of the world has bond between legislators and business people. Example, four out of five legislators in U.S.A do lobbying for industries and business. The reforms of 1991 has emphasized privatization. Hence, it is no surprise that each government favored industrial lobbying. Hence, there is nothing to worry much about the connections. 

The huge voiced raised by other parties against the present government is just a cheap political stunt. If they know about the nexus between the power companies and the legislators then they would have exposed it the moment they get to know about it. But they waiting till the election commission to announce polling date. The present unrest is created just for winning the upcoming Delhi assembly polls. It's high time that the politicians must think for public good rather than fighting against each other. 

Ballon d'Or 2014

Ballon d'or 2015 winner

Congratulations Cristino Ronaldo! He lifted the Ballon d'Or, 2014. Ronaldo deserves it. He made great difference to his team. Slew of Goals and assists fetched Ballon d'Or for the year 2014. But the trend of awarding Ballon d'Or is quite puzzling. The forward and attacking midfielder find the bright spot when it comes to awarding awards in Association Football.

Football is all about team. No one can relinquish his position on the field. But how come a striker or attacker alone rise to prominence while other are less significant. The German Goalkeeper Manuel Neuer who has good shot at the Ballon d'Or missed it in voting. This has raised uneasy questions. Is football all about scoring? I guess not. It's all about how good the player plays from the position given by the club managers. Neuer was exemplary with his stunning goalkeeping skills. Yet the audience fail to recognize him except for the few.

People all remember who made the team win but not about who helped them making it in field. Especially the stronghold guardian who foils opposition attack. In Football stronghold guardians need team skills than the forwards who can even play lone-wolf at contingency. FIFA is not to be blamed for sidelining Neuer. But it's mentality of the audience. They remember only the player who scores for them who provide spectacular celebrations not the people who stood the test of pressure.

Sunday 11 January 2015

DoT unblocks 32 Websites

The government has ordered Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to unblock 32 websites that had been blocked last month for hosting "jihadi propaganda". The Department of Telecommunication(DoT) has blocked 34 websites originally. But it unblocked four of them on undertaking that they will compile with law (Info:).

Some of the websites blocked were used by software professionals. Pastebin, github are used in collaborative software projects. Blocking them has created a huge online rant against the move. Now, DoT has ordered to unblock all websites blocked previously. The reason cited for the block was those websites propagated ISIS propaganda and they don't need any authentication to post information & share them with the world. 

Recently techie who was arrested in Bangalore for operating ISIS twitter account has made DoT turn aggressive against select popular websites among software professionals. But blocking pastebin and github drew huge public ire. They are used by limited audience who possess technical knowledge as blocking them will serve no purpose. Wrongdoers will always find a way out. The move to unblock websites is welcomed especially among the technical community.

Saturday 10 January 2015

Effective Time Management: Wake Up Early

Now comes the interesting part of effective time management. If you have not read the, read it before going ahead.

Here you will get the same lesson which your parents would have insisted upon you in your childhood. "Get up early in the morning". You feel it rhetoric. Few of you might ask, how waking up early is way to effective time management! Once, you get up early before sunrise, you will have lot more time to work on that particular day.

It might feel weird at start. Lets see. Most of us wake up late and hurry up things. This will make a hectic day. Often, we miss schedules. Skipping breakfast seems to be order of the day. A good day must begin with a healthy breakfast. So if you skip breakfast you skip the entire day. A healthy breakfast improves concentration. A concentrated work helps achieving targets.

So wake up early. And you will find more time to accomplish your usual morning chores. Now, what about people attending night-shift? Not to worry about. Try to have a good sleep before you attend your night schedules. A good sound eight hour sleep will keep your brain calm. A calm brain improves concentration. Thus improve productivity. Keeping ample time to start for work is the way to go. Don't hurry up your preparation. Especially when you have presentation or meeting, wake up atleast three hours before departing to work.

Drawbacks: Getting up early will make you sleepy all day. But don't relent. You biological system must adapt to the change in the biological change that you force on your body. Hence, it need some time to adapt the change.

To fix the drawback: Try to take a five to ten minutes naps after your lunch. It will set your body alright. You will feel rejuvenated. But don't go asleep. It reverse the good done by early wake-up.

Have faith and determination to fix your time. It will increase your productivity. In next post, you will find out how to evaluate yourselves.

Time Management Tips & Skill

Hello there! From poor to wealthy person or whoever it may be. There is a commodity which can't be bought. The high demand commodity is time. Most people find it difficult to manage time. As it the only commodity which even money can't buy you. So managing oneself is nothing but effective time management. How you manage your time decides how effective you are. From schooling kids to top CEO of corporate can't neglect time. Time decides your success. Ineffective time management will result in failures, stress, frustrations.

Time Management is not an exclusive sphere for executives of corporate world. But it equally apply to students, house-maker, workers, freelancer, etc.

This is not about marketing any digital diary, planner or any other online tools and not to confuse you with any other time management products. All the methods provided are feasible to follow. It will work good over time.

Methods provided here are simple yet effective. You will not find an another boring lengthy exercise on time management. In the, we will get started with  effective time management