Monday 15 December 2014

Hungry Shark Evolution Survival Guide

From the previous post, you would have known about the basic of the Hungry Shark Evolution. But it's not all thing. Feeding your hungry shark would look simple in words but they need some skill especailly if you decide to survive for long time. To access secret shark lab in-game, you need a score of 500000 in one game. In order to acheive that, you need to make sure your shark survive the hard test. As I said in the previous post, you can simple feed on other organisms. But after a while, you may notice that you don't find anything to feed on. So the first trick in survival of your ever hungry shark is not to stop in single area. Move the hungry shark constantly to new places. Some secret place near the rock will give your hungry shark an awesome feast.

The Game play start with your shark dropped into a sea. Once you unlock a different shark the drop place would differ. To be true, it doesn't make difference. Once, I unlocked the second shark in-game, I moved my shark to right of the sea through a pass which is present under water to find the place where the previous sharks was dropped. So this is the trick. Don't stay in some place for too long. Get a feast and move to your right, find the pass so that you could find new place to feed your hungry shark. After a while, vice-versa.

And one more important point in Hungry Shark Evolution is not to stay under water for too long. Before you move to new place, check the surface of the sea. You will find some swimmers. Snack them and move on. Eating those swimmers give good boost to the health bar. If you are lucky, you may find a group of swimmers near the shores. But if you find no swimmers then just move on to next place. One of the secret in Hungry Shark Evolution is not to wait for the prey but search for the prey. Remember! It's Hungry Shark. So feed them until you find nothing to feed.

Occasionally, you will find mariners near you. And also when you unlock new shark you will get chance to eat other hungry sharks inferior to your hungry shark which travel around you. A point remember is these sharks around are capable of nipping your shark. If you find a group of sharp nipping you, be quick at eating them or else your shark will die of incessant nipping. So stay sharp, first strike is your advantage. Don't spare them, make use all of them.

Mines: One of worst enemies in-game for your sharks are mines. Once you level up in-game, more  mines and bigger they become. At entry level, you will find them in deep water. Once you unlock Tiger Shark you will start finding mines even near the shores and mines will be floating in water. So easy hunting on shores are difficult. But this should not inhibit your hungry shark from feeding on humans. You will always find a way to dodge past those mines. You might get hit by some small mines but bigger mines are unforgiving. They will take heavy toll on your shark health. The worst part is jelly fishes halting around mines. If you are unlucky, instant death is the result. To your surprise you hungry shark will encounter mines at the exit of the pass. But this don't pose a danger as you can take a steep dive upwards at the end of the passes. Be advised not to boost your shark in hurry when you are in a under water passes as you will start tackling mines even in passes. Plan your hunting spot before it's too late to make a move.

Submarines: Apart from mines, you will encounter a bigger threat. Yes! Torpedoes will be fired at your shark. Just take three hits and your hungry shark is dead. Those torpedoes are propelled from a submarine. So take those submarines head on with your sharks. Boosting your shark will help. But remember when you get hit, your shark will move away from the submarine. So try to hit the submarine hull from different directions. Submarines are quick to align them against you so boost and quickly take the submarine out of the equation. Make random moves until your shark is near the target submarine. Hit them with boost to make it harder. Voila! The submarine hull will break open. The Pathetic situation arises when two submarine approach against your shark. Make sure your shark take on one submarine as soon as it appear on screen. In most situation, two submarines will approach from either direction. So cowardice will not help! You can run but fight against them is way for the survival. Ramming your hungry shark anywhere on the submarine will break open the hull. Whatever said here, you must try it yourself. You can teach yourself better than anyone when it comes to hungry shark.

Mariners: The third and less dangerous threat in this game. Mariners are little threat except for the spear attack launched by some pathetic mariners. Mostly they will end up at the jaws of the shark. One or two mariners may accompany a submarine to launch an attack occasionally. Always try to bring down the submarine. If you get chance, take the mariners on your way to attack submarine.

Useful Add-on: Try to unlock laser gun for your hungry shark. They are very effective. They will paralyze your target for a brief time. We will get a bonus score for feeding on paralyzed targets. For example, Consider a submarine accompanied by two mariners. The laser gun will paralyze the mariners in no time so you have take on submarine without much worry. Even other sharks will be your prey once they are paralyzed by your laser gun. Not only under water organisms are targets but also swimmers and fishing men shall be paralyzed with your laser gun. But the sad part is laser gun won't clear mines and submarines for your shark. So still you have to handle them on your own.

Hungry Shark Evolution is one of the best game on Google Play Store. Click here for the link.

Saturday 13 December 2014

Hungry Shark Evolution Guide

Are you wild-life lover? Or dreamt of the deadly man-eating shark! Nothing will stop you from grooming a shark now. But it's a virtual reality. Remember!.

Hungry Shark Evolution is one of the best game available in the Google Play Store. All you have to do is to groom the sharks to its full capacity. Grooming a shark needs a lot of zoological skill! It sounds skeptical at first, doesn't it? After all, this is just game. So all you have do is feed them until they grow bigger.

Game Play: At the start of the game, you will be provided with "Reef Shark". The very basic one. The game play is quite simple try to eat all the fishes and other marine organs to grow your shark. But stay away from jelly fishes and spiking prawn & fishes (I am not a mariner).
Unlike human beings, these sharks need to be fed all time. In the top right corner a bar will indicate the health of the shark. It starts depleting slowly but at a constant pace. Once the health bar is empty your shark will die of starvation. Hence, keep feeding it all time.

And remember the stats of each shark you play. Don't go too deep in ocean. They have limitations when it comes to depth. Example, the "reef shark" will withstand 90 meters. Beyond that you shark dies too fast. The game indicates when you reach shallow waters. So, you can adjust your depth to the comfortable height.

Feeding: As I said earlier, Your shark, whatever shark you get from the game, must be fed infinitely. So you have to chase prey around you. This can be done using the controls which direct the movement of the shark. Two type of controls exist. One with the help of sensor where you can tilt the device. Second method is to tap & move on the left side of the device.

Once you start moving you will catch some easy prey near you. Your shark will eat whatever prey adjacent to the jaws. This is not the only control. you can boost the shark to watch the real action. Even though this is a game, it simulate the reality. Once, your shark move near the prey, the prey will move out of the path. Especially, when your shark hunting in the coastline shore and while hunting some innocent swimmers. To get them off-guard, you can tap & hold anywhere on the right side of the device screen. Your shark will move at high speed and have the prey.

Evolve your shark: Shark grooming don't stop only with the feeding. But evolving the shark. Sounds confusing!!! What is evolving? It's nothing but upgrading your shark. Use the coins collected during the game to upgrade the three following skills:

  • Bite, 
  • speed and 
  • Boost. 
Apart from this basic attributes, your shark can be fitted with accessories such as skate board, laser, jet pack, shark vortex and so on. Each items are unlockable either using coins or gems collected from the game depending upon the particular item.

By feeding, you can reach level 10 for the shark you are playing. Once you reach level 10, the next shark in the order could be unlocked. Evolve the newly unlocked shark to its fullest capacity.

Advanced movement: You can perform some spectacular stunts with your shark. You not only find prey in sea but also in air. Birds flying at low level over the sea could be hunted with a high jump. To do an high jump, get some depth from the surface and move the shark upward simultaneously applying boost. Once, the shark reaches the air it will hunt any prey in air. This trick could be used against people fishing in boats. Just do a high jump and board the fishing vessel, the rest is taken care by the shark. But make sure it deboard the fishing vessel as soon as possible by moving your shark. Always remember your shark energy will be depleting at constant pace. And also the boost is limited. The bar below the health bar indicate the boost available for your shark. It will replenish gradually once you start feeding. So use them wisely. Don't waste your boost energy for small fishes.

In next blog, you will know all about survival in the sea.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Protection of Child Under Domestic Violence

No violence against children is justifiable - UNICEF

In accordance with the guidelines laid down by the UN organisation for protection of Children against abuse and domestic violence. The Domestic Violence Act, 2005, in compliance with such provisions of UN has placed a safeguard against the abuse of children of the victims under Domestic Violence act. The Act 43 of 2005 not only protect the woman from domestic violence but also protect the dependents of victims, especially children.

Object of Custody Order

Section 21 of Act 43 of 2005 protect the children of the victims against the Domestic Violence perpetuated against them. It entrust the temporary custody of the children of the mother who is victim of Domestic Violence. Any wrong committed against mother may affect the children directly or indirectly. Hence, the object is to protect the children from abuse to which the child may be subjected, directly or indirectly.

Reason Behind such Order

A natural presumption when it comes to the care of children is that mother would take care of her children than any other person. Hence, under section 21 of the Domestic Violence Act, secure the temporary custody of the children to the affected woman (mother of the child) while the application of the aggrieved person is being considered by the Magistrate.
If the situation deems fit an arrangement shall be made for the respondents to visit the children. Even then, if the Magistrate thinks fit that such visit by the perpetrators of Domestic Violence, is harmful or not in the interest of children, then the Magistrate shall refuse such visits by the respondents.

For any corrections or mistakes in the blog contact me.

Disclaimer: This blog is for educational purposes only. All information provided here are only informative. The authors takes no liability for any injury to the readers.

Sunday 29 June 2014

Monetary Relief Under Domestic Violence Act, 2005

Monetary relief, which is also called as compensation, is an order passed by the magistrate in favor of the victim under Domestic Violence, for any loss or expenses incurred by the victims as a result of Domestic Violence. The victims would include the children of the woman who suffer Domestic Violence.

Remedies available to Victims

The Magistrate, to whom the application was made, may pass an order after providing an opportunity to the person against whom such reliefs were sought by the applicant/victim. The order may contain the following but the order so passed is not limited to following. The Magistrate may pass compensation to any other acts which has resulted either directly or indirectly towards violence against the victims.

The following are the remedies available under Monetary relief which are included in the Domestic Violence Act:

  •  For any loss in earnings to the victims which was caused by the persons accused of Domestic Violence.
  • To compensate for the expenses incurred by the victims while under going any medical treatment.
  • To compensate for the loss resulted due to the deprivation of the property from the victims. Such property includes the properties held jointly or stridhan.
  • For maintenance of the affected woman and her children. This relief may include or in addition to the sec 125 of Cr.P.C.

Effect of Non-Compliance of Order

If the person against whom the above mentioned order was passed by the Magistrate and such person fails to comply the order, then the Magistrate shall issue directions as follows:
  • To direct the employer/any debtor of the person against whom a monetary order was passed, to pay the money in favor of victim or deposit in the court. In case of Employer, the Magistrate shall order for deduction of certain amount periodically from the salary of the employee against whom a monetary relief order was obtained, until the amount mentioned in the order was paid to the victim.

Calculation of Relief amount

The Act 43 of 2005 has not placed any yardstick to measure the amount of compensation payable to the victims. But places a guideline in motion under Section 20(3) of Domestic Violence Act, 2005.
It states that the monetary relief shall be to the extend so that aggrieved person shall meet her standard of living to which she is accustomed. The amount should be such that it will be able to meet the needs of the victim. The standard of living of the victim to which she is accustomed should prevail as it is.

For any corrections or mistakes in the blog contact me.

Disclaimer: This blog is for educational purposes only. All information provided here are only informative. The authors takes no liability for any injury to the readers.

Saturday 28 June 2014

Residence Order

What is a Residence Order?

The basic needs of human being are food, clothing and shelter. This residence order provides shelter for the woman who suffer Domestic violence. This one among the orders that may be passed by the Magistrate under whom the adjudication of the application falls.

What Order shall be passed?

The Magistrate may pass any order on being satisfied that prima facie domestic violence occurred. The order may contain the following:

  •  To restraint the person who is alleged to have committed domestic violence (respondents) from dispossessing or disturb the possession from the house where she is residing.
  • To direct the respondents to be evicted out of the common household. But this provision shall not apply to persons who are women.
  • To restraint the respondents or their relatives from entering the portion of the household where the affected person and dependents resides.
  • To restraint the respondents from alienating or disposing the shared common household
  • To direct the respondent to secure an alternate accommodation for the affected person.
  • The respondent not to stop paying any rent and other payments related to the common household where the applicant and respondents reside.

Limitation of Residence Order

The residence order shall not lie against in-laws of the affected woman. Even the third and fourth condition mentioned above is applicable only when husband is a member of joint family.

Other Orders along with Residence Order

The Magistrate may as he thinks fit depending on the case shall direct the respondents to execute a bond that they shall not commit any act of Domestic Violence in the future. This is to protect the interest of the affected person. Persons against whom an application was made may threaten or evict the applicant from the house. Hence, if the situation needs, the Magistrate may direct the respondents to execute a bond abstaining from Domestic Violence.

Implications of Residence Order

Under section 19 of the Act 43 of 2005, applicant and the respondents can reside under the same roof even though, the application remains pending before the court. The most common social tendency, particularly in India, is to send the girl out of the matrimonial house the most she tries to take a legal recourse against husband, in-laws or relatives. The most weaker section of the society are women and their children. Hence, the section 19 of the Act of 2005 was well crafted to satisfy the social appetite and secures the vulnerable group of the society. 

This section has distinguished significance when the affected woman and their dependent children lacks support from both the matrimonial and parental house. This particular section provide protection and have perpetual impact upon the dependent children. Hence, prevent psychological and emotional distress and prevent the children from turning into a future deviant in society.

For women who completely depend on their husband or relatives for the financial needs, this is a life-saver.

For any corrections or mistakes in the blog contact me.

Disclaimer: This blog is for educational purposes only. All information provided here are only informative. The authors takes no liability for any injury to the readers.