Saturday 27 December 2014

Globalization of Market

The concept of Globe under single roof seems to be a great idea. The free flow of goods and service between the countries is a blessing in disguise. Such free flow market let good idea to transcend boundaries. It promoted the global trade and helped in reviving weak economies. Whenever a bail out package is granted for a bankrupt country, the bankrupt countries were made to make an undertaking to open up its market for the world.

Friday 26 December 2014

Modernization and Traditional Stigma

In 1991, India opened its gate to economic reforms. The ideal behind the Privatization, Liberalization and Globalization was that it will bring the best and modern practice into the Indian Market. The free-market economy will promote investment from private players. Through investment from foreign countries not only the investment to tap resource but also the best practices prevailing in the investor country will make its way into the Indian Market.

Thursday 25 December 2014

Contemporary Convictions

Good day people. We would have heard about convictions of offenders involved in crime through our mass-medias. The convicts are proved guilty based upon a code which is law of the land. While the code is of substantive nature which provides various provision for punishments against a specified act that is declared as wrong in that society.

While it may be seen as naive to question the code upon which judiciary functions, but soon it may emerge contingent to question the code as change in the society might make the present code sterile and dysfunctional. The code is the primary source of remedy against a wrong committed by the convict. Hence, the question is what constitute a wrong in a society? All right, the time has arrived to correct the deficiency in the contemporary justice system. All we do is just punish the person who has committed the wrong. Does it have end in itself? A deep thought answer is no! Just punishing or terminating the offenders out of the society is just a temporary solution. To sustain a society, punishments are not alone sufficient pillar to build a community.

The other view of the justice must be addressed at this juncture. The cause of such an act deemed to be wrong to be found out. What may appear to be wrong to us might appear correct from perspective of the others. The ideology on which the society is built provide the supportive clause for the act declared to be wrong. Precisely , the person who acted against the ideology of the society is deemed to be wrongdoer. Indeed, for a person who is deviant from the social norms of the community should be treated with great care. Rather than punishments, a correctional facility is the way to bring such person back into the fold of the ideology of the community. But the present day Judicial system in most nation fail to address the need of correction. They act only as an institution of fear and keep the delinquent undercover.

The contemporary system promoted the value that unless you get caught nothing done is wrong. The socialization which evolved for many centuries failed to address bringing back the delinquent person who is a wrongdoer for the community in which he lives, in line with the ideals of the community. On the other hand, it developed a stigma around the delinquents which further antagonize them.

In order to provide stable community, a balance must be struck between punishments and corrections of delinquents. It said easier than getting it done. It is slow and steady process and must be build with great care.

Sunday 21 December 2014

Final Match of the first Hero Indian Super League

Kerala Blasters FC Vs Atletico de Kolkata

Source:Hero Indian Super League Website

The high drama ended on Saturday night the moment the referee blown the final whistle. The starting line up was with a little surprise. Atletico de Kolkata resting Luis Garcia and Kerala Blasters Marquee player James presenting himself with the work of goal keeping. Both the teams employed a balanced approach towards the game. The formation of Atletico de Kolkata  seemed to be aimed at getting at least four players to lay siege at goal. On the other hand, Kerala Blasters fielded five players against Edel.

Both the half of the game saw high action. But failed to break the stalemate. Slew of yellow cards and fouls further added fuel to the fire. James and Edel kept the score board nil until Rafique found the back of the net. While both the team were anticipated to play extra-time, their came a pass which turned to be the match winner. Edel who kept a strong last line defense against Kerala Blaster made a splendid save of the match against Michael Chopra.

The questions left unanswered were answered in the finals of the Hero Indian Super League. +Atlético de Kolkata clinched the title and will always be remembered in the history of Hero Indian Super League as first champions.

The Golden Boot award won by none other than the Elano Blumer. This was anticipated even prior to the Semi-finals kick-off in Hero Indian Super League. Beyond that, Elano Blumer donated the prize amount for the development of Indian football.

The Golden Glove won by the Jan Seda. He made FC Goa get into the semi-final of the Hero Indian Super League by maintaining a clean sheets at the crucial moments of the league matches.

To all the fans of the Hero Indian Super League, lets wait for next season to watch an exciting action. Let's football.

Saturday 20 December 2014

The Controversies in Hero Indian Super League

Hero Indian Super League

Tonight, India going to witness a grand final of the Hero Indian Super League where Atletico de Kolkata faces Kerala Blasters FC. We have left with 6 hours to kick-off the final match. Too much speculations about the winner. But to the shock and dismay too much controversies building up in the Hero Indian Super League.

With Ravshan Irmatov to officiate the final match, the veracity of decisions are being challenged prior to the match. The Controversy with Luis Garcia Goal which was disallowed against Kerala Blasters in the League table match and the poor decision on the hand ball still haunt Atletico de Kolkata who are in the finals of the Hero Indian Super League. To add to this injury, they will watch the same official officiating them against the Kerala Blasters. This kind of moves in Hero Indian Super League would raise suspicion over the officials. Discussion were started in social media with comments that ISL bosses want Sachin to lift the Trophy as first champions on this inaugural season of Hero Indian Super League. Even though, those are informal talk between fans of the clubs, it can't be brushed aside considering the gravity of event built-up in the Hero Indian Super League.

Hero Indian Super league

But these characteristics are not limited only to Hero Indian Super League. To err is human. But consecutive errors are unforgivable. Such controversies make fans lose zeal over the tournament. It all common when a referee fails to note a genuine fouls made. Since the flow and pace of the match might over shadow the foul. But excuses must be limited. Denial of legitimate goals will make bad jokes and sarcasm on the future.

Emergence of Kerala Blasters from nowhere to the finals is applauded. But that doesn't set right the controversies behind the decisions. We fans hope at least by next season of the Hero Indian Super League goal-line technology is not only placed but also working. For us, it is no surprise if Kerala Blaster lift the title this season. Yet, Atletico de Kolkata will be unrelenting to concede. Tonight, the air will be cleared at Navi Mumbai.