Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Kabam: This Means War

This is my first day playing 'This Means War' by Kabam. Google Play recommended to install this game. Out of curiosity I installed it. Basically, it is action strategy based game. So far, the tutorial were based on Single player mission. Nothing much on the part of Multiplayer as I had in Clash of Clans, Invasion, Royal Revolt...

Basic Terminology:

The intro part has exposed towards the basics of the gameplay. And for the purpose of this post, I will list few of them.

Power Cells: These are the elements which could be bought for some real money. Like I would be diamonds or gems for real money in other games. No surprise, you have to make deal with Kaboom for the speed ups.

Engineer's Tent: Though it may spell and pronounce as Engineers, it would simply call them builders employed in your base. At first, you would be kept incharge of a war base as usual. Nothing new on this part. Number of Engineer Tent decide how many constructions could be made simultaneously.

Command center: It is the heart of the base. It decide how many building and types of such building shall be present in your war base.

Supply collector and Storages: To be frank, I really wonder who send supply 24x7 in this game. But you will receive supply relentlessly. In this place, you could collect all your supply that have reached your base.

Red Mercury Collector: This is the vital resource of your base. Sorry, this is want the intro said about the resource. So I hope it will be the vital resource to reckon with.

Army Camps: It is the base where your units stay all day. The units must be produced from a separate barracks.


Basically, I started the game under a shield. I lose shield if I enter multiplayer battle. Once I lose my base to an attack, then I gain back the shield. Feels similar to Clash of Clans where people farm with TownHall outside the walls. But for now, I would not make a flat assessment.

There are three types of game who can play. Single player mission where you fight against a Major ranked officer, one against friends and last one is multiplayer battle.

Gameplay is all about building troops and fill the army camps. Then launch attack! You end up looting resources from other bases if you win the fight. 

Overall, my first day at 'This Means War' feels like I am in another replica of Clash of Clans. The setup seems similar to that. Lets wait some time, to know more about the multiplayer feature of this game. If my base could be attack even if I am offline then it would be exact replica of Clash of Clans. So stay tuned to know more about this game.

Sunday, 27 September 2015

How did I fix dead Lenovo Laptop

I was happy with my Lenovo T series laptop which is working perfect with no flaws since 2003. LOL! Even I forgot the model name. That old is the laptop about which I gonna talk about. With arduous service, the laptop died 2 weeks ago. The death was without any symptoms. A sudden death! Nothing but a black screen gazed at me. So thought of buying a new laptop. Still, to try my luck, I browsed few forum regarding my issue (though I didn't post my question or problem). I found a crazy bit of information which was weird at first. But works actually.

The info was how to reset your apparently dead Lenovo laptop. The information was quite simple yet effective:
  1. Unplug your AC input cable and battery from the laptop
  2. Then press power button 10 times each with 1 second intervals. Then press and hold the power button for 30 seconds.
  3. Insert your battery and boot your laptop as usual. It will work!
  4. Remember, do not plug in your AC adaptor cable before booting the laptop. If you do and your laptop dies, repeat from step no. 1.
As stated above, the steps seems weird. But to my surprise it did work! For those who use Lenovo laptops must remember these steps if you find your laptop not responding to the boot request.

And for your information, I forgot the source of the website forum. I just desperately tried these steps. It worked. So writing about it as it may help others. Once I get to know the real source, I will post them. If you know, let me know! If your laptop didn't get fixed by following the aforesaid steps, kindly leave a comment about your problem.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

How to extent Wifi coverage with second router?

With those who use wooden construction material can move on with this blog post. But for those who still complain about the black spot or patchy WiFi connection inside the house, You are in right place. I am not going to present with some cut and paste article from another website. All I am going to present is my personal experience of setting up WiFi connection and extending it to increase the coverage area. Technically, to fill black spots where you won't find signal with your existing Wifi router.

To begin with you need basic things. Before getting started, have the following ready:
1. Two WiFi routers
2. Lengthy CAT 6 cable
3. PC/Laptop to connect and configure routers
4. Some patience and time. Most of you reading this article may try it for first time. So if you do fail in your first attempt, congrats! Be proud that you started learning something new!

Alright! Now let's get started with our setup.

1. First of all, decide upon which router will be your primary. It should the router which gets internet directly either through a modem or wired connection. Fix this modem as your primary router so that you can extend connection from it to the slave or secondary router.
2. Note down following configuration information from your primary router. If you are unaware of how to know those information. Open your web browser and type in the IP address of the router. In most case, it would be, if your are using D-Link router, try For those who find this difficult may refer the user manual of the respective router. And for configuration information, following details of from the primary router may be noted:
  • wireless mode
  • channel at which primary router works
  • security settings like WPA, WPA2, WEP
  • Passphrase of your primary router
  • DHCP addresses of primary router
3. That's it for the info you need from primary router. Now reset your secondary router and connect it your PC/laptop. Make the following changes to make it slave of your primary router:

  • Click the LAN settings page and edit the IP address of the router to be one of the Static IP address under primary router. For example, if your router provides IP address in the range of to, fix the IP address of the secondary router within this range. As our case is for home connection, I would highly recommend using last IP address which would kept idle! So in this case, set the IP address of the secondary router to Hit save and let the router reboot.
  • Now, enter the new IP address of the secondary router and select 'OPERATION MODE'. Set operation mode to 'bridge'. Then hit save and wait until router reboots with new configuration.
  • Again login to the configuration page of the secondary router. Now, change the basic wireless settings to match exactly with your primary router. ONLY EXCEPTION IS ASSIGN DIFFERENT SSID TO YOUR SECONDARY ROUTER. Apart from that, change all the values like channel, security, wireless mode and it must exactly match your primary router. Now hit save and let the router reboot.
By now, you have made your secondary router work alongside primary router which would extend your WiFi connection fill black spots in your home. To connect two routers, you could prefer long Ethernet CAT 6 cable. To establish connection, plug one end of the Ethernet cable in any one of the LAN port in your primary router and plug the other end in any LAN port of your secondary router.  Place the secondary router well away from primary router to extend the WiFi coverage. That's it. It must work now.

For this experiment, I had the following equipments:
  1. D-Link 816 wireless modem/router.
  2. ZyXel wireless router (I had a spare router in home)
  3. Cat 6/ Ethernet cable (any of them would work but make sure it is of good quality)
  4. Ofcourse, an internet connection in working condition.
Nonetheless, power source is far more important. Do not forget to plug in your AC cable in your routers.

Friday, 17 July 2015

Twitter Hashtag creation Guideline

Twitter Hashtag creation
Twitter hashtag Creation
Did you know the quick and easiest way to have reach in Twitter? Haven't you found potential customer in Twitter? If not, something is probably wrong! So much money being spent on Twitter campaigns for product promotion yet waiting to harvest the gains! Now, to answer all this question. Ask yourselves now, what is your Twitter campaign hashtag? If are able to answer, you are half way done in your Twitter campaigns.

Most successful online campaigns in Twitter has striking similarity! Unique hashtag! If your Twitter campaign owns an unique hashtag then you are more than half way done in your twitter campaign. The problem is finding the unique hashtag. Brainstorming begins here! The only problem with creating hashtag is making it unique and must always point to your product or service in Twitter.

It is your one and only problem. Yet you could overcome the difficulty with flying colors, if you are ready to set proper strategy for your Twitter game. No surprise! Follow the simple guideline for Twitter hashtag creation:
  1. It must be unique! Unique in the sense it must not be used by another person in Twitter. It doesn't matter if some one has made no significant reach with similar hashtag but be careful that neither of your hashtag overlap with each other.
  2. Do your research prior to establishing hashtag in Twitter. Once you have made decision, you will lose your right to recall Twitter hashtag once your followers starts buzz with it.
  3. Make sure it is more relevant and specific to your products and services. An generic hashtag would lead to overlapping of hashtags in Twitter. For example, #blogger in twitter indicate both using Google Blogger service and those who blog on any platform. So, make sure you are specific to your product.
  4. The point #3 should not be made beyond the point that it breaks surprise to your Twitter followers. Relevancy and specific detail should not let your followers know about the surprise that awaits them till launch date. In simple words, your Twitter hashtag creation must create buzz among your followers but should not in anyway giveaway the surprise element.
  5. The time of hashtag establishment is far more important! Make sure it go viral the moment you launch your Twitter campaign. Analytic tools are best friend when it comes to launching campaigns in Twitter. Once you get infographic about your followers activity in Twitter, you can make sure you get your product hashtag go viral the moment you tweet it on Twitter.
These 5 Twitter hashtag creation guideline will help you reach your potential customer through your Twitter campaigns. Something catchy will always get attention in Social media.

Saturday, 4 July 2015

Google Chrome user? Working for Google!

'Google Chrome has recently taken over as the most popular internet browser with over 750 million active users.' - Kissmetrics Source: visit here.
Google Chrome web browser work for google
Google Chrome
Source: wiki
The statistics is true! And one must know how serious it is to know Google Chrome has taken over other web browsers in the past decade! Well, one may advocate that Chrome is product of open source web browser project Chromium. Though, the origin seems to be legitimate open source project, Google has its work mend with the Chrome! Chrome comes with lot of strings attached. Most strings entice users to keep using it! First and foremost is the Support! Google provide support for Chrome while Chromium it is upto the community! Not only the support! Google Chrome store is one of the highlights! You get lot of plugins, games and utility. To say, it would act as one stop place to get your work done with your chrome. Those strings contain few messes that most users ignore or ignorant of.
But still I have to admit that I myself is one among those who fan Google Chrome! Yeah! It is well designed and satisfy user experience with lot of utility and plugins which I can't reject for no good reasons. Still Chrome features outweigh the intention of Google! I am not trying to villanify chrome project. A few good things comes with a cost! So the Chrome. It is free then you pay them with kind of something most people not aware of! It is time to shed some light what chrome user actually do to Google SERP!
Stop it! Did you hear me saying Google Chrome users help determine SERP? If yes, do not read back! You heard it right! If you are a Google Chrome user then you are indirectly work for Google! To make it simple, haven't you heard that Google tracks users data on Chrome browsers? If yes, fine. If no, yeah, Google tracks users browsing data. Simply, If you use Google Chrome then you provide Google with tons of data each year about the sites your browse, bookmark, shares and so on! Not to freak out! Google never collects personal data. Just relax! It is all about SEO or Search Engine optimization. They simple use the information collected to improve SERP.

What the hell is SERP?

So far I would have used SERP! If your new to these kind of stuff, then I am glad to introduce you to these terms. SERP is simply called Search Engine Result Page.

'A search engine results page is the listing of results returned by a search engine in response to a keyword query. The results normally include a list of items with titles, a reference to the full version, and a short description showing where the keywords have matched content within the page. A SERP may refer to a single page of links returned, or to the set of all links returned for a search query.' - DuckDuckgo Goodie

Alright! the definition is good enough to explain anyone who are new to these terms! Now business!

How using Google Chrome helps Google?

As you all, title is about how Google Chrome users work for Google! Yeah! The data we provide Google while we browse in Chrome is work we do for Google. Though it may not be compared to actual work we do to Google. Yet, it is valuable enough that it improves the SERP of the popular Search Engine in internet history!

Bookmarks: If you are person who bookmark web pages which ever you find useful or thinking of reading them later. You made Google note of the importance of the web page you visited. If a single page gets bookmarked by lot of users in Chrome, Google indirectly understands the importance of the web page the user visited. God damn it! I forgot to bookmark my own blog! Well, many of them must bookmark it! One or two not going make it a day.
Ad revenue: I guess, it must be the top priority for any company who provides top notch service. All we know is good provide service free to the users but charge advertisers for the ads. I am not going deep into the working of Adsense now! To keep it simple, lets stop with Google make revenue from ads. Alright, your browser history, pattern, cookie help Google Ads pop up appropriate Ads. So it augments revenue! If they find you were browsing for a designer apparel then Google Ads going to throw you with ads from apparel websites! So the ads get relevant with your desire. So the click through rate of the ad is high. Thus increase the revenue.

Chrome Store exclusively for Google Chrome web browser
Chrome Store

Google Service: None could undermine, Google product services! Google knows if anything goes wrong with its product if the users use it from Chrome web browser! Not a surprise though! I tried loading Google services on less popular web browsers and found out that even the login form loads crazy! Finally, it made me realize that Chrome is something special than other web browsers when it comes to dealing with Google.

Well, the list here is short! We do like it or not, Google Chrome is a win-win for users and Google. Google improves Chrome and we provide input to improve chrome. It has evolved as chain action. Last but not the least! I personally prefer Chrome!